
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ThE ReVoluTion of CakLemPong

    As all other traditional music evolve, the same goes to caklempong. Previously, caklempong is accompanied by other traditional musical instruments like gong, kompang, and serunai. Nowadays, people make revolution to caklempong with the involvement of modern musical instruments like guitar, keyboard and drum.

With the revolution of caklempong,there's many youngster who has been interested to involve in caklempong. In Negeri Sembilan, there are about 23 schools with their own caklempong clubs and society, while in the village, caklempong has become popular as one of the method to socialize among the villagers. In the wedding ceremony, caklempong is also used to enliven the ceremony. 

A concert, named ' Konsert Jalinan Budi 2010'  was held as a token of appreciation from Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sembilan through unique presentation from students. YAB Menteri Besar, Mohamad Bin Hassan, stated that he is proud with the students who make revolution to the art caklempong, by merging the traditional and modern music through  a jazz song entitled Nothing Else Matters.

According to him, the show elevate the traditional music of Negeri Sembilan, and draw some kind of attraction towards the youngsters to learn and play the music.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The RhyThM of CakLemPong

The first instrumental song played is entitled Inang Cina
While the second one is Tak Tung Tung. 

The video shows you the way caklempong is played. In the video, even the other instruments are not showed, but there is harmony between the rhythm of the sound of caklempong itself, with kompang, and gendang.

For a complete set of caklempong there are many other instruments used, but the one showed in the video is the most basic. Each and every instruments has their own codes n notes.. With the help of the notes, a very nice song is produced.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ThE CoMpoNeNts Part II

In the previous entry we have learnt about the three main components of Caklempong.
  •  Bonang
  • Gereteh
  • Tingkah / Saua
In this particular entry, I will bring you more information about the components in  Caklempong.

Flute/ Bangsi

The shape of a bangsi is like a recorder, with a size of 25-30cm. It is made from bamboo. It has 7 hole to produce 7 tone scale that is similar with Gereteh. Even if it is blown loudly, the tone does not go high. As for flute, it is much smaller than a bangsi. The size of a flute is 14 cm and have only 4 hole that produce pentatonic scale that sounds like the first five tone of Gereteh, that is C, D, E, F and G.


There are two sizes of drums. The big one and a smaller one. The big one is called 'Gendang Ibu' and the size is 2 cm bigger than the smaller drum i.e: 'Gendang Anak'. It is usually made of Jackfruit wood. The skin that is usually used for drum is made of cow skin or buffalo skin. It is tied to the 'baluh' that has a convex shape with a rope. The drums has a low note for bass. The surface of the drum is patted to produce rhythm (resultant rhythamic pattern.)

'Kayu Pengetuk' 

The 22 cm long wooden stick that is used to hit the 'cembol' of the caklempong is usually wrapped using spin tops ropes. This is to prevent the caklempong from producing a high-pitch sound that may hurt the ear.

So, this is the other three components used in the caklempong traditional musi. However, in this modern days, there are also other modern music instuments like electric guitar and bass used in the music to enhance the rhythm.

Want to know more about caklempong? See you in the next entry. Stay tuned!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The ComPonEnTs

*Credit to Ashraf for the picture. Thanks for playing!*

A complete caklempong group is made up of 5 sets of bonang or small tuned knobbed gongs (2 sets of 15 bonang  arranged in 2 rows and 3 sets of 8 bonang arranged in a single row), a rebana  as for hadrah and dabus, a seruling or wooden flute, 2 long drums with either one or both sides with heads, and a 15 inch diameter gong. Caklempong groups commonly lack some of the above instruments, especially the full complement of bonang. In this entry we will learn three main equipments in caklempong.


The bonang of caklempong looks like a gong or a small tetawak, made from 'perunggu' or bronze with a diameter of 16cm, and a height of 8-10 cm. The size of a bonang is similar to a saucer. In the middle of bonang, it has a 'cembol' with a height of 2.5 cm. The 'cembol' will produce sound when it is knock. Different bonang will produce a different sound. The bonang are arranged on top of two strings that is attached to the 'tepak' of caklempong. Originally, the pentatonic scale, each of which is very close to the western notes of C, D, E, F and G, was used, but that now all notes of the tempered scale have been included. The original repertoire consisted of 12 pieces, but the repertoire now includes many more new and arranged pieces.


Gereteh consist of 15 Bonang that is arranged in the C Major notes with one octave including 7 optional notes in a parallel two rows. (The first row contain 8 Bonang, and the second row contain 7 Bonang). Gereteh is the main melody. Basically, in a complete set of caklempong, there are two sets of Gereteh.


Tingkah is made of  8 Bonang that begins with the not E, F, G, A, Bb, B, and C. The way Tingkah is played is focused on the pace control and producing rhythm as the beat of drums produces. The way to knock the Tingkah is easy. Saua in the other hand is very similar to Tingkah. It also have 8 Bonang. The things that makes it different is the way it is played. Saua is knock by following the rhythm. The player of Saua must be first taught the appropriate Ostinato rhythm pattern.The note for Saua begins with Lower E.

These are the main 3 components of Caklempong. In the next entry, we will learn more about the other components is Caklempong. See you soon!


Monday, September 26, 2011

The StoRy of CaKleMpoNg

What is caklempong? Never heard of it? For your information, it is not caklempang or caklempeng. (This is not funny at all. What is she doing? Stupid joke, I know.. Sigh..)

Let's learn about the origin of caklempong. Caklempong is a traditional music, and it is said to be brought to Malaya by the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra, who settled in Negeri Sembilan as early as the 14th century. Minangkabau society call the caklempong as talempong. (Source: Abdul Samad Idris, 1970).

In the earlier tradition, other than the purpose for fun, caklempong was also played as an important role in everyday life, such as integrating the Minang community residents besides being played during the ceremony of the coronation of the Sultan. Today, caklempong is famously being played for various purposes including the wedding ceremony, opening, entertainment, music accompaniment silat martial, dance and more. 

Music of caklempong has now been received by the plural society in Malaysia as the nation's musical heritage. Caklempong is now being taught at institutions across the country with a view to inculcate the spirit of love of traditional music in Malaysia.

Interesting right? In the next entry, we will learn the main three components of Caklempong. Stay Tuned.. :)