
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ThE CoMpoNeNts Part II

In the previous entry we have learnt about the three main components of Caklempong.
  •  Bonang
  • Gereteh
  • Tingkah / Saua
In this particular entry, I will bring you more information about the components in  Caklempong.

Flute/ Bangsi

The shape of a bangsi is like a recorder, with a size of 25-30cm. It is made from bamboo. It has 7 hole to produce 7 tone scale that is similar with Gereteh. Even if it is blown loudly, the tone does not go high. As for flute, it is much smaller than a bangsi. The size of a flute is 14 cm and have only 4 hole that produce pentatonic scale that sounds like the first five tone of Gereteh, that is C, D, E, F and G.


There are two sizes of drums. The big one and a smaller one. The big one is called 'Gendang Ibu' and the size is 2 cm bigger than the smaller drum i.e: 'Gendang Anak'. It is usually made of Jackfruit wood. The skin that is usually used for drum is made of cow skin or buffalo skin. It is tied to the 'baluh' that has a convex shape with a rope. The drums has a low note for bass. The surface of the drum is patted to produce rhythm (resultant rhythamic pattern.)

'Kayu Pengetuk' 

The 22 cm long wooden stick that is used to hit the 'cembol' of the caklempong is usually wrapped using spin tops ropes. This is to prevent the caklempong from producing a high-pitch sound that may hurt the ear.

So, this is the other three components used in the caklempong traditional musi. However, in this modern days, there are also other modern music instuments like electric guitar and bass used in the music to enhance the rhythm.

Want to know more about caklempong? See you in the next entry. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. My son is really into music instruments. I got him in home music lessons last year and he couldn't have been happier.
